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Cashflow is

Oxygen for your

It’s time for your business uprising! Cashflow is like oxygen for your business; by focusing on sales activities every day, you fuel the fire that makes your business thrive.

Every time you speak to a potential client, you are moving toward a sales goal.

  • Every time you post on social media
  • Every time you introduce yourself at a networking event
  • Every time you send messages on a social platform
  • Every time you overhear a conversation at the bar

Yes, EVERY time you are having a sales conversation.


“Sales is the spark to feed the fire of business growth.”
-Katie Nelson, The Sales Catalyst

Join the

Are you ready to join a community of highly-motivated business owners and ready to take your cash flow (& business) to the next level? Click the button below to start the process by booking a call with Katie to see if you’re qualified to join the mastermind.


Katie, “The Sales Catalyst” has a charismatic style that both educates and entertains. She provides a unique perception into what it takes to be a top-notch sales person, along with different tactics and takeaways that can be used immediately.

Start an UpRising
with a VIP Day

Interested in taking a day out to work on your business and not in it? Then this is for you. Reach out and learn more about how to start your Sales UpRising with a targeted VIP Day.

Fit Into One Of These?
Stage 1
I hate sales and it’s my LEAST favorite thing to do in business and I feel weird about it.
Stage 2

I can take or leave sales. It’s not the worst thing on the planet but I’d rather just have my team do it.

Katie Nelson, “The Sales Catalyst” shares her love for sales and business by delivering authentic and energetic talks for business owners, business groups, and conferences alike. She has spoken at the Tower Club, Virginia Women’s Business Conference and more. 

Audiences leave motivated and understanding that success is not only possible but possible for each of them!

Stage 3
Sales is just a part of doing business. It’s either you win or you learn.
Stage 4
I absolutely LOVE sales and it’s one of those things I look forward to every single day!
Sales is just sharing your solution!

When we focus on the close or the money, it can make us tense up and feel awkward. You might feel like you are suffocating the connection and natural flow of conversation.

All prospect conversations should start freely and are an opportunity to connect with another individual or business owner. That can be the FUN in your work. Sales is about sharing your solution with someone in a way that excites them, inspires them, and makes them want to choose you

client reviews
Feed the Fire video series
Feeling stuck in the 5-figure rut?!
You’re not alone. 90% of entrepreneurs never hit their revenue goals.
Download your copy of the
7 Stumbling Blocks That Keep Solo-preneurs STUCK in 5 Figures!

Did you know that 90% of entrepreneurs never break through the 6-figure revenue mark? That’s because being a solo-preneur is HARD but it doesn’t have to be that way. In this download… you will learn…

  • The 7 MAJOR stumbling blocks that keep solo-preneurs in 5-figures and how you can break free from that.
  • The REAL reason why most entrepreneurs will never hit the 6-figure revenue mark and why it’s absolutely possible for you to achieve it
  • The biggest DOWNFALL that most solo-preneurs fall into and what you can do to avoid it altogether.
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